• ROSIER Classic Sterne
  • ROSIER Classic Sterne
  • ROSIER Classic Sterne

ROSIER Classic Sterne Oldenburg

Classic Center Oldenburg

Whether you are interested in the premium brand with the star or already a proud owner of a classic Mercedes-Benz, ROSIER Classic Sterne is the place to go for information on all topics concerning classic cars - regardless whether it is a youngtimer of the past 20 years or an oldtimer which has been on the road for already more than 30, 40 or 50 years. Due to our access on all technical and archival resources of Mercedes-Benz, the oldest and therefore most experienced car manufacturer of the world, we can continuously offer the basis for impeccable quality and originality of your Oldtimer.

Opening times

Monday - Friday: 08.00 – 18.00 h
Saturday: 09.00 – 12.00 h

No sales or consultancy outside normal store-opening hours

Mercedes-Benz ClassicPartner
DEKRA Quality Management
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An error occurred

An error occurred

What's the matter?

An error occurred while executing this script. Something does not work properly.

How can I fix the issue?

Open the system/logs/error.log file and find the associated error message (usually the last one). You can also add the following line to the local configuration file and reload this page:

$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['displayErrors'] = true;

However, please be aware that anyone will be able to see error messages on your website then!

Tell me more, please

The script execution stopped, because something does not work properly. The actual error message is hidden by this notice for security reasons and can be found in the system/logs/error.log file (see above). If you do not understand the error message or do not know how to fix the problem, search the Contao FAQs or visit the Contao support page.

To customize this notice, create a custom template file named templates/be_error.html5.